Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Favorite Photos

I have 1 month left in my 10 month trip here, so I think it is time to start to reflect on my trip.  Here are my 50 favorite photos (okay, so there are 57) from this year.  Some I've shared before here or on facebook and some are new.  I hope you enjoy!

Dios les bendiga,


Lissandra painting and decorating my nails

Juan John Harry, Bienvenida, Isabel, and Evani
after church at Centro Buen Pastor

The street view of Centro Buen Pastor

Miguel and I on his bike - how I get around everywhere

Bienvenida playing in the mud with
my rain boots

Yaneidy playing Chinese jumprope to learn directions
in my classroom

My English classroom

Trying Rice Krispie Treats at our
English class Halloween Party

The crayon box for 2nd grade before I added to it

My Thanksgiving Turkey

4th grade Christmas Caroling

A second grader showing off his 3D Snowman

Sister Priscilla with some of the kids of CBP

Jairo learning to make friendship bracelets

Madeline making her first chocolate cake

The open air market

Wilson and his Valentine's Day card

Jairo eating cookies he made

Making a Mardi Gras  mask on Celestino

A food sale to raise money for the youth group
at San Esteban Church

My 4th graders

Some of my adult English class students

The Estrellas

The 4th grade classroom

Julio and Ivanessa

Celestino using the new basketball court

Drying our nails

Evani, Isabel, and Bienvenida

Bienvenida while playing with my hair

Juan Francisco playing Uno

Jairo pointing out the DR

Teresa and her son Angelito at the beach

Madeline's grandmother's funeral

Kendi reading to Peter before my English class

Visiting with some of our friends who visited Boxford
10 years ago when my family visited me in Novemeber

My Thanksgiving

Preparing Christmas gift bags for all the students of CBP

Evani and Bienvenida showing off the fun Christmas gear
my aunt Carol sent me

My high school English class

Juan John Harry in his front yard

Laundry day in my apartment building

The CBP Independence Day Parade through Barrio de las Flores

Maryland working hard in 2nd grade English class

Adrian and Yulaidy showing off their Easter baskets in my
Middle School English class

The San Esteban Palm Sunday Parade through Miramar

The campo

Making crosses out of Palms on Palm Sunday

Easter Saturday service at CBP

Juan John Harry being pushed by Deni at the park

Juan John Harry, Angelito, and Deni

Watching a big oil tanker coming into the harbor

My 2nd graders playing Duck-Duck-Goose with
visiting volunteer Tyler

Tyler and 2nd grade

4th grade running in Gym class

Miguel and Tyler in La Romana

Dancing with Tyler's friends on the beach
Miguel and I on his bike in the campo

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